Wednesday, May 7, 2008

In response to Community 2.0: "Blogging as a form of Citizen Journalism"

Community 2.0: "Blogging as a form of Citizen Journalism"

I found your entry on this interesting and informative though could have benefited from including content regarding citizen journalism and how it has influenced traditional mass media.

An article I found on PoynterOnline outlined the 11 layers of citizen journalism. This article made me more aware of the different types of citizen journalism that can occur.

The simplest way to be a citizen journalist it to provide public comments, level three is Open Source reporting, levels four and five address blogging, which is relevant to your entry. As we get deeper into citizen journalism, stand-alone citizen journalism sites "establish a news-oriented site comprised entirely (or nearly entirely) or contributions from the community," (Outing, 2005).

Further up is when organisations combine citizen journalism with the work of professinals. The final level, eleven, is where readers are editors, which is prevalent in Wikinews.

I think that by addressing these, or even providing external links so readers can investigate more, your entry will be further enhanced.


Outing, S. 2005. The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism. Poynter Online. (Accessed May 6, 2007)

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